Job Outlook to 2028 by Educational Requirement

The educational requirements of the workforce are continually evolving. Some jobs require little, and others extensive experience or education, with a whole range in between. As the occupational structure of the labor market changes, which was highlighted in a previous blog , the educational requirements of the workforce also shift. The requirements to successfully perform the functions of most jobs also change over time. Technology and other factors impact how tasks are accomplished and even what tasks are necessary to complete job functions. About 76 percent of jobs in Maine are in occupations that have a “usual education requirement” that falls within one of seven levels of attainment: high school or equivalency; some college, but no degree; post-secondary non-degree award; associate’s degree; bachelor’s degree; master’s degree; or doctoral or professional degree. Non-degree certifications can be achieved through apprenticeship programs, as well as through educational insti...